Swim session types

There are a range of different swim sessions available. Please choose the one that best suits your needs and ability, then check the timetable and turn up and swim!

Slow Lane Swim

Suitable for recreational swimmers who swim at a relaxed pace.  Single lane maximum capacity of six swimmers.  

Medium Lane Swim

Intended for swimmers who are comfortable swimming full lengths of the pool at a reasonable pace. Single lane maximum capacity of six swimmers. 

Fast Lane Swim

These lanes are intended for those who swim regularly and for longer distances.  Single lane maximum capacity of six swimmers. 

Lane Swim

At times of low demand for lane swimming we may just have a single lane available with no set speed criteria.  There will still be a maximum of six swimmers per lane but it is likely that there will only be a small number of swimmers.  There will usually be a 'Swim for All' session at the same time which may be more appropriate for slower swimmers. 

Swim For All

If you are not keen on continuous swimming up and down the pool then a 'Swim for All - Large Pool' will be the session for you. In this you can choose whether you want to swim while chatting to your friends, do a bit of aqua jogging, stay shallow, go deep. It's up to you! However, if you want an uninterrupted swim then one of the lane swim sessions above will be better for you. 

On evenings, weekends and at school holidays times some sessions will be marked as 'Swim for All - Family Fun'.  Anyone is still welcome to attend these sessions, but there are likely to be more children playing and splashing about, so if you prefer a quieter swim then choose a standard 'Swim for All' session.

'Swim For All - Small Pool' sessions are ideal for adults with babies, toddlers or young children, with plenty of space to play. 

SEND Family Sessions

These are dedicated sessions for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Although swimmers with SEND are always welcome, these sessions are less busy and tailored for children with SEND and their families to swim in a relaxed and friendly environment. 

Sessions take place:

  • Dunston Leisure Centre, 6-7pm on Saturdays
  • Blaydon Leisure Centre, 8-9am on Sundays
  • Heworth Leisure Centre, 3-4pm on Sundays

We do not require proof of disability status to attend the sessions.

What if I want to move between session types?

There are no restrictions moving into or between designated 'Swim for All' areas of the pool (unless it is exceptionally busy), so families can move between small and large pool as required.  There are maximum capacities displayed for lanes, so moving between or into lanes will only be permitted if the lane is not at capacity.